About Us

The Keep Going Campaign

About Us

At the start of my freshman year of college I began to struggle with anxiety. I was constantly panicked and felt as if I was messing up everything I did. My motivation was at an all time low and I lost interest in a lot of things I used to enjoy. These feelings continued for months and even after starting therapy I felt hopeless and wanted to give up. Whenever I would get down on myself I would repeat the phrase "Keep Going". It is a short phrase, but one that I found very powerful. I began to write this everywhere and would repeat it in my head over and over. I even carved it into a bridge near my school where I would go when I would start to feel anxious.

This phrase is something that helped me through a very hard time and I decided I wanted to share it. Mental health issues are something that have become stigmatized in society and yet affects roughly 1 in 5 people in the United States. My hope for The Keep Going Campaign is to raise awareness about mental health issues and try and give anyone struggling the motivation they need to KEEP GOING. Additionally, 10% of all proceeds will be donated to charities to help further mental health research and services.

Donate yourself to The National Alliance on Mental Illness

or The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention


Thank you for the support,
